Suriye’den bir tabutun içinde kaçarak son anda IŞİD’in elinden kurtulan savaş muhabiri Samet Doğan, kısa sürede binlerce okura ulaşan Cuma Günü Uçmayan Kuş’un ardından bir kez daha haberleri edebiyata çevirmedeki ustalığını gösteriyor. Ortaya “zahterli pizza” gibi orijinal, otobiyografik bir roman ç..
Burmese Days is set in 1920's imperial Burma, in the fictional district of Kyauktada, a town where Orwell served. Like the fictional town, it is the head of a branch railway line above Mandalay on the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) River. As the story opens, U Po Kyin, a corrupt Burmese magistrate, is plann..
Bireyi merkeze alan ve derin ruhsal tahlillerin yapıldığı Eylül, bu yönüyle edebiyatımızın ilk psikolojik romanı olma özelliğini kazanmıştır. Yazıldığı dönemde pek çok esere konu olduğu gibi yasak aşk ve yasak aşkın insan ruhunda ve yaşamında yarattığı fırtınalar, Eylül'ün de konusunu teşkil eder. B..
‘’Bu kitap üç arkadaşın öyküsünü, devlet rejimlerinde korkunun oynadığı rol ve din konusunun toplumsal psikoloji üzerindeki etkileri ile çok yönlü düşünülmesi gereken Sünni-Alevi çatışmalarının başlangıcını anlatan konularla doludur. Kitapta Ömer Hayyam ve Nizâmülmülk konuları da geniş olarak ele al..
Jack London cut a mythic figure across the American landscape of the early twentieth century. But throughout his colorful life –from his teenage years as an oyster pirate to his various incarnations as a well-traveled seaman, Yukon gold prospector, waterfront brawler, unemployed vagrant, impassioned..
Romanlar okunsun diye yazılır... Hurihan Gönüldensever’in yazdığı romanın yayınevlerindeki macerasını tek solukta okuyacak, romanların ve yayın dünyasının günümüzdeki haline hem gülecek hem ağlayacaksınız.Bir sistem eleştirisi olan bu kitap popüler kültüre hizmet eden araçları kullanırken aslında si..
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work that grows more haunting as its futuristic purgatory becomes more real. Published in 1949, the book offers political satirist George Orwell's nightmarish vision of a totalitarian, bureaucratic world and one poor stiff's attempt to find individuality. The brillianc..
Jane Austen has won legions of devoted fans in the 200 years since her death with her masterful parody of courtship and lightly moralizing critique of social mores in the early 19th century. Northanger Abbey was the first of her major novels to be completed, and though it was sold to a publisher in ..
In this famous 1897 novel by H.G. Wells, a reclusive man, swathed in layers of clothing, moves into an English inn. He's unfriendly and angry, and when a burglary occurs, people start to wonder. As well they might! The Invisible Man is a classic read with conflicts galore: Between society and the in..
A terrifying psychological trip into the life of one Joseph K., an ordinary man who wakes up one day to find himself accused of a crime he did not commit, a crime whose nature is never revealed to him. Once arrested, he is released, but must report to court on a regular basis--an event that proves m..
When an army of invading Martians lands in England, panic and terror seize the population. As the aliens traverse the country in huge three-legged machines, incinerating all in their path with a heat ray and spreading noxious toxic gases, the people of the Earth must come to terms with the prospect ..
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), published in 1889, is a humorous account by English writer Jerome K. Jerome of a boating holiday on the Thames between Kingston and Oxford. The book was initially intended to be a serious travel guide, with accounts of local history along the route, b..